Jurnal Mantik is a scientific journal in information systems/information technology, Computer Science and management science containing the scientific literature on studies of pure and applied research in information systems/information technology, Computer Science and management science and public review of the development of theory, method and applied sciences related to the subject.

Published: 2024-03-21

Data security using low bit encoding algorithm and rsa algorithm

Yusuf Ramadhan, Suhardi Suhardi, Yuda Aditama


Design and development of Android-Based Clinic Service Application: myclinic

Henoch Juli Christanto, Stephen Aprius Sutresno, Robby Sentya Rudyanto, Pijar Karisma Prihanto, Tamaria H Artpinkan, Desi C Othernima, Derrel Alvalent


Consumer perceptions of product and service quality; a case study of AS Photography's management information system

Muh Tafsiruddin, Aep Saefullah, M.Arief Noor, syafran syafran, Rahman Nurhakim


MD5 in a web-based population data management application to improve account security

Khilda Nistrina, Rustiyana Rustiyana, Rosmalina Rosmalina, Nenden Sri Rahayu, Ridwan Puja Permana



Conceptual model of risk management at umk Blitar: ISO 31000

Nunuk Latifah, Adiguna S. W. Utama, Hindra Kurniawan


Analysis of employee performance improvement strategies in a company

Agustina Wati, Sinta Nurngaini Aulia, Wahyudi Wahyudi


Marketing innovation for higher education a bibliometric analysis using the VOS viewer application

Mirza Abdi Khairusy, Vanessa Gaffar, Karsikah Karsikah, Yogi Suprayogi, Alfian Prayana Ardie Putra, Didit Haryadi


Analysis of the impact of the public service mal on increasing the number of NIBs in Serang City

Angga Wicaksono, Imam Sudrajat, Tubagus Gemilang Khoir, Wahyudi Wahyudi


Analysis of disaster events in Serang City seen from the number of victims and damage

Nutrisia Nofebrianti, Asmayawati Asmayawati, Muhamad Wafi, Wahyudi Wahyudi


Analysis of the potential billboard tax on Local Original Revenue (PAD) of Serang Regency

Siti Hilma Putri, Putri Handayani, Aisyah Sylvia Yuliani , Putri Haryanti , Wahyudi Wahyudi


The effect of e-service quality on customer trust in McD Serang

Ilham Arisa, Santa Dameria Siregar, Siti Aisah, Wahyudi Wahyudi


The effect of reward and punishment on work loyalty on IBC Telkomsel in Bandung City

Indra Taruna, Didi Tarmidi, Shendy Amalia, Vina Silviani Marinda


Factors that influence thrift product online purchasing decisions

Ronny Walean, Kimberly Lumeno, Patricia Lendo
